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Sea Moss for Back Pain

Sea moss has 85% of the suggested vitamins and minerals that relieve back pain! Did you know?

1. The body needs #vitaminD to create new bone cells. A lack of vitamin D in the body can lead to the softening of the bone surfaces, which usually results in lower back pain. Studies show that regular vitamin D intake may lessen the spasms in your lower back.
2. #VitaminC, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vitamin that helps lower back pain. Like vitamin D, it increases calcium absorption in the body which promotes strong and healthy bones. Vitamin C is known to help in the process of healing fractured and broken bones, wounds and burns.
3. #VitaminB complex is a group of vitamins that is essential for your overall health. In this group, three vitamins help lower back pain. They are vitamins B1, B6 and B12. Research shows that these vitamins may considerably reduce your lower back pain. They aid in the healing of inflamed nerves, which is one of the causes of lower back pain.
4. When your lower back is inflamed, free radicals are released. These free radicals are toxic and may cause more damage, because they can increase the inflammation of your back. #VitaminE can help lower back pain as it is a powerful antioxidant that fights off free radicals. By taking vitamin E regularly, you increase the antioxidant reaction in your body that may help relieve lower back pain.

5. #Calcium and #Magnesium
These two minerals are crucial for the prevention of calcium deficiency, which can lead to osteoporosis. Calcium is a building block for strong bones and is crucial for their health. Aside from strengthening your bones, magnesium maintains your muscles and nerve functions. Sufficient intake of magnesium may help muscle spasms and significantly reduce back pain.